The Health and Wellness Committee of LJHS is comprised of staff, parents, students, and community members. We want to provide information, strategies, wellness tips, resources and more. We are also coordinating programs with the school counselors, nurse, and ASB/school clubs throughout the year to educate and support students and staff.
District Resources:
Governor Newsom partnered with Parents Anonymous Inc. (PAI) launched the California Parent & Youth Helpline and Online Parent Anonymous Support Groups. For more information click on this link CAParentYouthHelpline. California Parent and Youth helpline is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Armenian and Russian.
If you would like to discuss this program, please feel free to reach out to your students School Counselor
Student Supports:
District Wellness Resources:
Mental Health Awareness
Prescription Drug Awareness
Healthy Relationships
- We End Violence (Jeff Bucholtz) assemblies for all grade levels.
- Article:
- Community Resource: Center for Community Solutions:
- "Our mission at Center for Community Solutions is to end relationship and sexual violence by being a catalyst for caring communities and social justice.'
- Ted Talk on how happiness inspires us to be more productive.. Shawn Achor, "The Happy Secret...' (12:14 min.) A fast-moving, funny talk.
*More adolescents than ever are struggling from anxiety. Over the last ten years, anxiety has surpassed depression as the most common reason teens seek counseling services.
- Common signs and symptoms of anxiety in teens. What to look for:
- Common signs and symptoms of depression in teens. What to look for:
- Resource with more information and how to get help.
Alcohol Awareness
- *Did you know…
- -56% of LJHS Juniors reported having used alcohol or drugs?
- -1 of 4 LJHS Juniors reported being a current binge drinker (defined as 5 or more drinks in a row)?
- -63% of LJHS Freshmen report that it is easy to get alcohol and 76% of LJHS Juniors say the same.
- -More than half of the students believe that there is no harm or just slight harm in alcohol use.
- -About half of students get alcohol from their home and between 1/2 and 2/3 from a party/event.
*Based on the most recent data from the CA Healthy Kids Survey.
Self-Care and Coping
NPR article about high school stress/parent's role: