Voter Registration Info


Elected officials make decisions that affect you directly. They include decisions on healthcare, housing, schools, jobs, neighborhoods, courts, child welfare and income. By voting you can have a say not only in who is making these decisions but also on the decisions themselves.

18-24 yr old's are the lowest represented group in California.

Let’s change this by pre-registering (16 & 17 yr olds) or registering (18yr olds) to vote today.

Let's ensure elected officials represent US!


16 & 17yr old Voter Pre-Registration 

California youth who pre-register to vote will have their registration become active once they turn 18 years old. Pre-registration does not change the voting age, which is 18. Instead, it allows you to complete the online voter registration form now when you have time, instead of during your move to college or when you begin a new job.


You can pre-register If you are 16 or 17 and:x

  • A United States citizen and a resident of California,

  • Not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony, and

  • Not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court


Pre-Register Now, click here!


What happens when I pre-register?

When you pre-register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and last four digits of your social security number. If your information is found and you authorize elections officials’ use of your DMV signature, an electronic image of your DMV signature will be added to your voter pre-registration application after you click “submit” at the end of the online application. If there is no signature on file with DMV, all of your information will be transmitted to your county elections office; you will just need to click “print,” sign the paper application, and mail it. You will be sent confirmation when your voter pre-registration application is approved or when more information is needed to confirm your eligibility.

What happens after I pre-register?

After you pre-register to vote you will receive a postcard confirmation notifying you that your application was received and processed.

What happens when I turn 18?

 When you turn 18 years old, the county elections office will mail a confirmation postcard to you stating that your voter registration is now active. At the time of the next election, your county elections official will automatically mail your election related materials to your registered address. If your confirmation postcard is returned undeliverable, possibly because you have moved, the county elections office may inactivate your record until a new Voter Registration Application is submitted.

 Can I pre-register to vote when I apply for a California driver license or California identification card at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)?

Yes. Voter pre-registration is available to all eligible 16-and 17-year old Californians when applying for a driver license or identification card or changing their address with the DMV. If you indicate that you are eligible to pre-register to vote during your DMV transaction and you do not opt out of voter registration, your voter information is transmitted securely and electronically to the California Secretary of State. Once your eligibility is determined and you turn 18 years old, you will automatically be registered to vote

 What do I need to register?

To register online you will need

  • Your California driver license or California identification card number,

  • The last four digits of your social security number and

  • Your date of birth.

Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.  If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote. However, you will need to take additional steps to complete your voter registration.


Where do I vote?x

I've Got a Voting Question



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