LJHS Students Guide to Issue Resolution
At times, issues arise and it is our intention to work together, in a student-centered
approach, to resolve issues quickly. Learning to solve problems independently is an
important part of a student’s maturing process and needs to be learned before
leaving high school.
In case of emergency contact the office or an adult immediately.
Issues related to a specific classroom i.e. grades, homework, projects, etc.:
1. A student should attempt to resolve the issue with his/her classroom teacher
first by requesting an appointment to speak to the teacher. At the beginning
of the year each teacher will explain to their students the best way to
communicate with them. Click here for teacher contact information.
2. If the issue isn’t resolved, the student should contact their counselor for
assistance. Please make an appointment by calling or emailing the counselor
directly. Click here for counselor contact information.
3. If, after the first two steps have been taken the student’s issue has still not
been resolved, the student should contact their Associate Principal. Click here for Associate Principal contact information.
4. After steps one through three have been taken and the student still hasn’t
found a resolution to their issue, they are encouraged to make an
appointment with the Principal. To set up an appointment with the Principal
contact the Principal’s secretary at [email protected] or 858-634-8000 extension 3020.
5. The very last resort is for the student to contact the Quality Assurance Office
at [email protected] or 619-725-7211.
Concerns about another student’s wellbeing or unresolved issues with
another student:
1. The student is encouraged to contact their counselor. Click here for counselor
contact information.
It is always our intent to resolve issues at the lowest level possible and with the
student taking the lead. We understand that at times parents need to help their
child resolve an issue and we welcome that, BUT first empower your child to
individually navigate the steps outlined above. Every effort will be made to respond
to a student within three school days and most issues should take no longer than 30
days to be resolved. It is important to remember that a resolution may not always
mean the student gets what he or she wants but it will mean they have been heard,
respected and will better understand and appreciate the situation and its limitations.
It is the student’s responsibility to keep documentation of this process such as times
and dates of meetings, notes of what was discussed and who attended the meeting.
This could be as simple as writing it into their school planner.